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Juventus continue Locatelli interest

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Juventus are continuing to look to Sassuolo midfielder Manuel Locatelli as a rebuild of the squad gets underway.

The 22-year-old was part of the Neroverdi squad that surged up the table, post-lockdown, playing a key role in dictating the way the team played from the base of midfield.

Tuttosport report that Juventus have already scheduled a meeting with Sassuolo to discuss Locatelli or the middle of this week in the hopes of agreeing a deal.

Locatelli has been on Juve’s radar since before the appointment of Andrea Pirlo and intrigues the Bianconeri for several reasons: Young, Italian, but above all, his quality, personality and attitude.

Tuttosport suggest that the youngster has been talked up by those around him while former Juve striker Alessandro Matri, who is close friends with Pirlo and still on good terms with Bianoneri management, speaks very highly of the midfielder.

Reports have suggested that Pirlo is looking for the new ‘Pirlo’ on the pitch and Locatelli closely matches what the new coach is looking for.

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