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Rafa Benitez insists no one should comment on Juventus’ legal battles yet

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Former Napoli manager Rafa Benitez believes no one should speak about Juventus’ legal problems when it is still in court.

The Bianconeri are challenging the decision to deduct 15 points from their season because they used capital gains and are also the subject of a Prisma investigation which could see them suffer even more punishments.

This has been a tough time for them off the field and pundits are discussing the sanctions, but Benitez thinks we should wait for the judgement to come.

He said, as quoted by Tuttomercatoweb:

“Financial Fairplay was born to ensure that teams could start counting on a healthy economy without letting go of expenses that they could not have managed and I think that thanks to its introduction some clubs were saved from bankruptcy. Having said that, Juventus’ situation, like that of the City in the Premier League, is still under investigation and it is right that those who are working on it continue to do so and then come to a judgment, we from outside at the moment cannot comment”.

Juve FC Says

Every club goes through challenges; this is ours, but it will not define us, and we must learn to manage the crisis.

It hasn’t been an easy few weeks, but credit to the players and manager who have focused on football and continue to do well on the pitch for us.

Hopefully, the 15 points deduction will be overturned before this season ends.

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