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Some good news for the Juventus youth teams after isolation

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Juventus has announced that the isolation of their youth teams has ended and they can now train as normal.

The Primavera side had been forced to isolate away from the rest of the public after two players from their team tested positive for coronavirus.

After the outbreak, the club followed the normal protocol and self-isolated their youngsters while the two players who had been positive also isolated separately.

They have now released a statement stating that their period of self-isolation was over and that the team will return to training as usual.

The affected players remain in self-isolation while the rest of the team will now resume training as normal.

The club statement reads: “Juventus Football Club announces that, in application of the regulations and protocols in force, the previously communicated period of home isolation has ended today (two players remain in home isolation). From today the team group has resumed regular training activity.”

Juve has been affected by coronavirus on numerous occasions this season and the club must be hoping that they will not have to deal with it again.

Their under23 team has already had to be placed under isolation on at least two occasions this season because of a covid-19 outbreak.

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